Guest House Kiyohime 3
Guest House
Guest House Kiyohime 3 is the annex with rental rooms in addition to the nearby Guest House Kiyohime. It is a two-story house in the small settlement of Manago, ~2 km south of Takijiri-oji (~20 min walk) just off, or uphill, from route 311. This guesthouse offers two rooms with shared bath, toilet, kitchen, and living space. It was renovated to host walkers along the Kumano Kodo by the owner who frequently travels the world with his job as a dog breeder. He noticed more and more international pilgrims and wanted to extend his hospitality to those who visited the area. Guest House Kiyohime 3 is convenient for those wanting to overnight somewhat closer to Takijiri-oji, ideal for Kumano Kodo walkers, but also those interested in longer stays.
175-3 Manago, Nakahechi-cho, Tanabe City, Wakayama Prefecture 646-1402